Mapping the Subtle Body:
Wisdom Within and Without
with Jessica Patterson

Live online training Aug 2-4, 2024

Course Description

Discover how understanding the subtle body and the chakra system can clear and heal obstacles, freeing you to move closer toward balance, gratitude, and grace. Closer, that is, to yoga. The chakras provide us with a structured model for deep therapeutic inquiry and transformation, as well as a map for understanding the evolution and expansion of our consciousness (the knowing principle, what we are aware of). Far from being merely esoteric and "new agey," the chakra system is a practical tool for all yogis. Chakras are the energetic centers where prana, or the vital life force, is either channeled or trapped. Each chakra corresponds to unique relationships in our lives and is associated with specific physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations. We can deepen our understanding of the energetic centers through their associated asanas, bija (seed) mantras, elements, intentions, and qualities. Using these powerful investigative tools, we will explore the central qualities and questions governed by each chakra, and listen into the conversations among them. begin to reveal (and help heal) emotional, energetic, psychological, physical, spiritual, and relational imbalances.

Daily Schedule: Generally speaking, the program’s daily schedule is as follows: (Times are listed in Pacific Time)

  • 9:00-12:00 morning class (with 1 15-minute break)
  • 12:00-1:00 lunch
  • 1:45-5:00 afternoon class (with 2, 15-minute breaks)

Questions? Contact

Tuition: $525, payable below.

Order Summary
Healing with the Chakras Live Online Training
Healing with the Chakras Live Online Training

Meet Jessica.

Jessica Patterson has been practicing and discovering yoga since 1993, during which time she has had the great privilege of exploring many methods, approaches and teachers. Her formal training as a teacher began with a 200-hour program in Colorado Springs. As her own yoga practice deepened, so too did her understanding of its profound transformative and regenerative power. She sought out more and more opportunities to learn and grow as both practitioner and teacher, pursuing training with diverse teachers across lineage and tradition. Read more about Jessica.