Uncover your unique gifts, move past limiting beliefs,

and find the clarity and confidence that comes from within

As the world of yoga grows ever-more popular and flooded with teachers of every kind, it is not uncommon to wonder where you belong and how to successfully live out your unique dharma in the field of yoga therapy.

Without guidance and a supportive community, it can be easy to let self-doubt and lack of clarity take over, possibly causing you to question your abilities, yourself, or your choice to teach yoga.  

But just as everything in nature has a unique place in the web of life, instructor Erin Alexander believes that you, too, have an important mission to complete that starts with your willingness to embrace your uniqueness as a yoga teacher as you learn how to listen for where your dharma wants to take you.

This inspiring, interactive 3-hour business mastermind is designed to help you uncover your unique gifts as a teacher, move past limiting beliefs and self-doubt, and support you in finding the clarity and confidence to live your purpose as a yoga therapist.

The class will include theory, therapeutic practices, self-inquiry, and time to connect with a supportive community of other teachers as well as your deepest Self.

If you intuitively feel that you have important work to do in this field but continue to flounder without precise, soul-guided direction, this masterclass is for you. 

Investment: $85, purchase replay below.

The session will be recorded, and the replay will be distributed if you can't attend live.

Order Summary
Unique Voice Workshop

About Erin

Erin Alexander (she/her), RYT 500 began her career in 2006 as a high school English teacher. Here she developed a love of teaching and helping students to explore the mysteries of life, tell their stories, listen more deeply, share their perspectives, practice compassion, and develop a sense of purpose and self-worth. 

At the same time, she was silently struggling with a debilitating eating disorder and other addictive behaviors when she stumbled upon the practice of yoga therapy. In addition to traditional psychotherapy, Erin experienced profound healing through the yogic path and became determined to marry her love of education, serving others, and her passion for yoga. 

In 2015, she left her day job and opened All Souls Yoga, an inclusive yoga community focused on accessible yoga for all. She began studying with Inner Peace Yoga Therapy in 2016 and has been teaching and learning ever since. 

Erin aims to create a more authentic and compassionate world through the practices of yoga therapy and is honored to share all that she has received with others who long to live a full, authentic, and embodied life.  She is a mother of two girls, a wife, sister, friend, teacher, writer, speaker and a human. She teaches virtually from her home in the mountains of Northern California.  Learn more at erinalexander.org.