Bedside Yoga ~ Yoga & End of Life Care
with Molly Lannon Kenny

Live online training August 25-27, 2023

Course Description

In sutra 2.3, Patanjali tells us that abhinivesha or “fear of death” is one of the five obstacles to happiness. In many commentaries, one will find that this is also said to be the hardest to overcome, even for those most steeped in the practice. End of Life care is a unique opportunity to share space and accompany people - both those who are dying and those who are losing a loved one - in this most intimate and profound moments of life's journey. In this module, we will first look at faith foundations - across a variety of traditions - and how they offer us some sense of stable ground through this process. We will explore specific tools and practices to support people in all stages of end of life, as well as what we can offer to those in profound grief. We will learn some of the key vocabulary and considerations for end of life care, and finally we will look at specific movements, shapes, and physical touch that may offer some respite and relief for those on this journey.

Daily Schedule: Generally speaking, the program’s daily schedule is as follows: (Times are listed in Mountain Time)

9:00-12:00 morning class (with 1 15-minute break)

12:00-1:00 lunch break

1:00-5:00 afternoon class (with 2, 15-minute breaks)

Questions? Contact

Tuition: $525, payable below.

Order Summary
Bedside Yoga Virtual Training