Applied Ayurveda
with Indu Arora

LIVE VIRTUAL TRAINING | JUNE 3-4 and 23-25, 2023

Course Details

How much Ayurveda does a Yoga practitioner need to know? Conversely, how much Yoga does an Ayurveda counselor/practitioner need to know? Consider this…from which eye do you prefer to see? I’m guessing your answer is “both!” I agree. Each eye offers a slightly different perspective. It’s the same with Ayurveda and Yoga. In fact, Yoga and Ayurveda are like different sides of the same coin.

It’s easy for modern Yoga practitioners and Yoga therapists to default to asana, or in the case of Ayurveda counselors, to get stuck on dosha, herbs and panchakarma. But we need to move on. There is such an empowerment in knowing both of them in the light of each other. What if you could see all Yoga practices in the light of dosha, prana, agni and diet? What if you could use the concepts of marma, Samkhya Dharshan and gunas to live and practice your Yoga? It is possible and that is what the heart of this training is. To make you live your Yoga and Ayurveda, to make it accessible, understandable and applicable, be it for yourself, maintaining your health and wellbeing, in Yoga therapy or the classes and workshops you lead.

Main Topics covered:

  • Ayurveda, 5 Elements, Tri Dosha and Self-Care Rituals (AM/PM)
  • Dwadasha (12) Prana and triangles of 5 Prana, 5 Pitta and 5 Kapha in Practice
  • Yoga for Seven Tissues, Ojas, Tejas and Agni
  • Samkhya Philosophy and its application through Yoga Practices
  • Concept of Sensory therapy through Yoga- Tanmatra Chikitsa
  • 3 Main Principles of Living Ayurveda • Ayurveda and Diet Principles

Dates: June 3-4 and June 23-25, 2023

Time: The course meets from 8am-4pm MT each day.

Tuition: $1008, payable below.
The course will be recorded and the recordings will be made available for 30 days following course end.

Questions? Contact

This course qualifies for 35 hours of Continuing Education or Advanced Professional Development (APD) for Yoga Therapists with the IAYT.

About Indu

Indu Arora, Ayurveda and Yoga Teacher, mentor and author considers herself a student for lifetime. She has been sharing about Yoga philosophy, Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda and Tantra since 1999. Indu is inspired by and taught under  Kriya Yoga, Himalayan Yoga, Tantra (SriVidya and Kashmir Shivaism) lineages. She has studied Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra in a traditional Guru Paramapara setting.

Her teaching style is rooted in empowering and inspiring students to awaken the inner Guru through self-inquiry and self-realization. Her core philosophy is,  ‘Yoga is work-in not work-out!”

Authored: Mudra: The Sacred Secret; Yoga - Ancient Heritage, Tomorrow’s Vision; SOMA - 100 Heritage Recipes for Self-Care

Order Summary
Applied Ayurveda 2023